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A Short Viking Guide to Norway: 3 Places That Are Must Visit!

: Offering the magnificent views of fjords, mountains and archipelagoes, the Fjord Norway region is the next popular vacay-station. Discover the reasons why should you book tickets, right-away!

Although the Norway gives millions of reasons to its visitors to visit the country back and again, the Fjord Norway region ensures that they do so. The serpentine shores that are located in the western part of the country offers no less than the stunning views of sky-kissing mountains, scattered archipelagoes, fjords with a landscape that keeps transforming itself from gorgeous to magnificent at every passing minute.

If you would love to have a vacation that will take you back to the age of the Vikings, book discounted flight tickets to Norway after enjoying reading about the places mentioned in this article:


Want to explore Norway`s Viking history? Begin from Stavanger, Fjord Norway`s southern region. A huge battle was fought in Hafrsfjord between AD 872 and 900. The battle was a crucial one which was fought under its first monarch — the victorious Viking chief Harald Fairhair. The battle resulted in the unification of Norway.

A monument called ‘Swords in Rock’ or Sverd I fjell was established in 1983 to commemorate the battle. The three swords represent peace, unity and freedom. A must visit place that will take you back in the history. Book discounted flight tickets to Norway, now!


If your inner historian ever wondered where the Vikings lived in then Karmøy is the answer. It is a small island municipality in Rogaland that has been believed as the homeland of the Viking Kings and all for the right reasons. For more than 3,000 years, the Avaldsnes area was inhabited by the kings who controlled the shipping traffic along the coast and hence, is considered the first Royal Seat of Norway from which Harald Fairhair ruled.

There is an underground Nordvegen history center as well that will take you among Viking relics such as memorial stones and grave mounds. Book discounted flight tickets to Norway to experience this Viking history wrapped in spookiness.


Visit the tiny island of Bukkøy that is located further away from the Nordvegen history center, and is also home to a reconstructed Viking farm. Boasting of several traditional buildings such as a boathouse for a Viking warship, a roundhouse and a longhouse, you can have guided tours. The farm is however open only during the summer season, but the well-planned guided tours will offer an engaging way to explore the life of a Viking.

Take a visit to Norway`s Fjord Coast that will give you the chance to travel back to the age of the Vikings. Book discounted flight tickets to Norway from our website, today!

discounted flight tickets, flights booking at lowest airfares, flights from london, Travel

4 Awesome Reasons to Skip Bali & Visit these Breath-taking Destinations!

When we say Indonesia, most of the people can`t think beyond Bali. Bali is unarguably a stunning and a famous holiday destination. But Indonesia is dotted with plenty of beautiful places that make it worth visiting. Most of the people travel to Bali, but only focusing on Bali would mean nothing but missing out on other exceptionally beautiful things. So all the globetrotters who are eager to travel to less-travelled places, here are some stunning places that will offer you more gorgeous views:


Like many other Indonesia`s islands, Belitung is also known for its pristine beaches and azure waters. But the beaches are not just like other beaches that you have seen till now. The shore is outlined by gigantic smooth white stones reminiscent of glaciers, adorning the beaches and sea. Take a boat on rent from the local fishermen for an entire day and explore the waters. Thus if you are looking to spend some time in your own company, book discounted flight tickets to Indonesia now!

Raja Ampat

Existing on almost every traveler`s bucket list who wants to discover Indonesia. What make this archipelago world famous are its hundreds of tiny islands that are covered in dense forests and also a major destination for snorkeling and scuba diving. With its bright blue sparkling water and vibrant marine life, the island is one gem of a place for those who want to spend sometime in the lap of nature. On land there are plenty of ancient cave paintings to be explored and if you are lucky enough, you might spot the fabled Crimson Bird of Paradise. You can visit here by booking discounted flight tickets.

Lake Toba

If you still regret to missing out on last Switzerland`s trip, fret not! Created from the largest volcanic eruption in the last 25 million years, Lake Toba can more than make up for your missed trip. Surrounding by the mountains and epic vastness, the lake has the small island of Samosir located right in its center. Offering views that are no less than breath-taking, people often compare it to Switzerland and Norway. So visit here and breathe in its wondrous scenery.

Komodo National Park

While the island might have acquired its name from the Komodo Dragons, this national park is spread across 29 diverse and unique islands. Home to the endemic giant lizard, the national park is best explored by chartered traditional wooden ships. The park is also one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and has numerous highlights that also include a trek up to the highest point of Padar Island, admiring the stunning views of Pink Beach and of course observing the endemic Komodo Dragons.

Bali is undoubtedly beautiful, but these places will offer you something you have never come across before. Thus book discounted flight tickets from to spend your next vacation at one of the above mentioned places.

discounted flight tickets, flights booking at lowest airfares, flights from london, Travel

Here Is Why You Must Visit England in Winter

More often than not our imagination rushes to Sweden, Norway, Finland, Lapland and Switzerland when we think about taking a winter getaway. But it will come as a surprise to you that colder months are best experienced in England. A beautiful country, with its cities and its countryside covered under the pristine blanket of snow is an ideal place to visit when you are looking to experience winters.

Apart from getting discount flight tickets to book, here are 5 more reasons why you should visit England in winter:

1. Less crowded- Visiting England during fall means having beautiful landscapes to yourself. If you visit England any other time of the year, you may find all the popular tourist attractions packed with crowd. Not just the countryside but the museums will also have very less visitors.

2. Enjoy crisp morning walks- Frosty mornings will provide you perfect conditions for brisk walks in the countryside. Whether you love slow walks across the quaint and small villages or like hiking up the mountains, winter is the perfect time to go out and soak up some air.

3. Admire the moody landscapes- Although the country`s landscapes are beautiful, given anytime of the year, but when it comes to winter months the charm is spellbinding. The country`s coastline is unabashedly enchanting on a stormy day.

4. Good accommodation, cheaper price- From hotels to apartments to B&BS and glamping sites, you can find a cozy and excellent accommodation at a lower price. The prices get slashed to half and you can get more choice when it comes to selecting the best place. Not only accommodation but also you can bookdiscount flight tickets for England during the winter period.

5. Chill in cozy pubs- English pubs are amazing, but if you want to enjoy around open fire inside a cozy pub, then you must visit England during the winter months. Nothing can beat the experience of getting into a pub following a long walk to enjoy a pint of local ale beside a roaring fire.

6. Enjoy snowfall- Although it is never guaranteed, there is always the chance of waking up to serene snow falling on the ground during the winter months. The mountainous regions are covered with the snow and if you venture to the Peak District or the Lake District, you will be encountered by stunning mountains covered with snow.

7. Admire gorgeous sunsets and sunrises- If you are a true admirer of the psychedelic shades that sun emanates during the sunrise and sunset then you will find perfect conditions in England. The metrological conditions are usually perfect for blazing red skies that will make you fall in love with this beautiful country.

Visit beautiful England during winter and have a memorable experience like never before. Book discount flight tickets by going to our website

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Top 4 Places to See Snowfall in India

Winter is a season that evokes nothing, but a desire to curl up under a warm blanket, with a hot cup of coffee and snow outside. A season that paves way to so many dramatic stories, imaginations and an interesting itinerary too! And India is full of such places that can fuel up your artistic capabilities with its photogenic hills and mighty summits.

So if you thought India is all about palaces, forts and deserts (although, that is true to some extent), let us tell you that the country is blessed with diverse landscapes. So from gorgeous beaches hill deserts, wonderful plains to snowy clifftops, you can experience everything while you are staying in this country.

Thus, to make your winters more chilly and your Christmas a little bit of snowy, we have curated a list of places in India, where you can witness the beautiful snowfall. Got yourself booked on one of those cheap flights toIndia? Then check out our list:

Jammu and Kashmir

If we were to quote the Mughal Emperor Jahangir, he admiringly explained Jammu & Kashmir as, “Gar firdaus bar-rue zamin ast, hami asto, hamin asto, hamin ast” which means, “If there is a heaven on earth, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here.”

Jammu and Kashmir has always fascinated people from all around the globe for all the right reasons. Often called ‘jannat’ (heaven), the state is surrounded by the beautiful Himalayas and its pristine valleys are the ultimate respite from the chaotic city life. With glistening Dal Lake at its heart, there is no other place in this world that could match up to its exceptional beauty. There are many direct and cheap flights to India that will take you to Kashmir. Go ahead and plan something!


As the curious nature lovers have expanded their horizon beyond the hills of the north India, Sikkim has become one of the most-visited hill stations of India. With age-old mountains, luxurious valleys and gushing rivers, Sikkim should be on your list, if you want to witness the nature in its purest form.


High Himalayan Peaks, covered under the soft blanket of snow, dotted beautifully with temples and ashrams, Uttarakhand is the hottest tourist attraction of India. A go-to place for the yoga-freaks, pilgrims and wildlife lovers alike, it has many popular places like Auli and Dhanaulti. You can get direct and cheap flights to India. So book now!

Arunachal Pradesh

Exciting, least crowded and extremely beautiful is what defines this spectacular state of India. A bit underrated and least crowded and peaceful, these three things make Arunachal Pradesh very special. With plenty of amazing things to offer, it has lush greenery, indigenous wildlife or snowy mountains up its sleeve to spellbound its visitors.

Curious to explore India? Well, the country is exceptionally beautiful and have is home to stunning places. You can easily find cheap flights to India and to any of the above mentioned places. To book tickets, visit

flights booking at lowest airfares, flights from london, Travel

4 Incredibly Gorgeous Spots in Paris

Paris is not just a place but an emotion felt by every true lover of art and finest of things. The capital city of France has so much incredible things to offer that few days are never enough to explore the city completely.

Paris` perfectly lit streets, monument-lined boulevards, classical bistros and boutiques are punctuated by a new wave of multimedia galleries, designer shops, epic rooftop cafes, creative wine-bars and tech start-ups. The city is sprinkled with so many gorgeous places that can fill your Instagram or Facebook feed for almost a year. So what are you waiting for? Do some flightsbooking at lowest airfares to uncover the delicate layers of Paris.

From cloud piecing Eiffel Tower to the glamourous avenue des Champs-Élysées, find out the spectacular sites of the most beautiful city in the world here:

The Pont Alexandre III

A historic monument is not the most ancient but also the most photogenic place you will find in Paris. Inaugurated in 1900, the iconic bridge was built to connect the Invalides on the Left Bank to the Grand Palais and Petit Palais on the Right Bank. At its four ends, one can find huge 17-meter-high pylons that are crowned with spectacularly sculpted gilt bronze sculptures of winged horses. From the bridge you can enjoy the panoramic views of the city and can also admire the Eiffel Tower.

The Louvre Pyramid

This one is the most gorgeous and we definitely fall short for words when it comes to describe the beauty of this place. Built in 1980s, the iconic Louvre Pyramid is located at the main entrance of the Louvre Museum. Its modern glass structure offers a striking contrast with the historic facades of the Louvre. Standing tall at 21 meters high, this iconic structure has become a popular landmark for all the right reasons. Don`t forget to take out your camera click this breath-takingly beautiful site to get maximum likes. Get your flights booking at lowest airfares as the site is a must-visit!

Sacré Coeur

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris is also known as Sacré–Cœur Basilica. Consecrated in 1919, this Roman Catholic Church is world famous landmark in Paris. The best highlight of visiting this landmark is that it offers stunning views from the top of the Butte Montmartre and while the site has already received accolades, you can take plenty of amazing shots in front.

Notre Dame

This one is a site that everyone knows about very well. Since it is widely considered as one of the finest exemplary of French Gothic architecture, Notre Dame is among the largest church buildings in the world. Thus if you want to capture this beauty, try taking a shot from the nearby Nouvelle Seine Peniche.

Paris can surprise you in many delightful ways! The city is filled with admiring places and structures that are extremely gorgeous and immensely photogenic. So find flights to Paris and book at lowest airfares from our website. To get the cheapest airfare, visit