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Best Time to Travel to Italy: A Month-By-Month Guide to Gorgeous Country!

Home to some of the most celebrated and greatest works of art, architecture and gastronomy in the world, Italy elevates, inspires and moves like no other. The birth place of Renaissance and the epicenter of the Roman Empire, this European prodigy boast about its cultural cachet.

Thus if you are trying to figure out the best time of the year to visit Italy, let us tell you that with Italy`s diverse geography, climate and traditions, there is never a bad time to visit the country. Thus if you want to visit this vibrant country, start looking out for flights from London because you can book discounted flight tickets if you start early.

Here is our month-by-month guide to visiting this scenic, culture-rich country:

January- With average temperature around 8 degrees, the first month of the year is the coldest and thus it makes for the perfect month to get amazing deals and bargain offers that will result in flights booking at lowest airfares and getting good accommodations in budget. However if you are planning to do some skiing, then it may cost you a bomb as the increased snowfall makes winter resorts double-up their price.

February — February in Italy represents Carnival time which brings Venice into focus. For weeks, the streets of Venice are painted in vibrant hues and masks. Additional Carnival celebrations take place in the entire country, with famous festivities in the town of Arcireale, Viareggio on the Tuscany coast and Ivrea in Piedmont.

March- March sees the winter-to-spring transition and makes way for the variable weather and one can spot Italians carrying an umbrella everywhere. As the temperature begins to rise, the country comes out of its hibernation period. For the museum buffs, this can be the perfect time to book discountedflight tickets to visit the museums.

April- Easter is a festival of grand celebration in Italy and almost every single town and city organizes parades and processions, mostly in historical costumes. The annual festival of Scoppio Del Carro also takes place in Florence in this month.

May — May calls for the perfect balance of temperature and weather in Italy. Huge bargains can be found in few coastal resorts. The annual bike race of Italy begins for a three-week period along with other several unique festivals, such as the stunning Flower Festival in Noto and Sicily and the Corsa dei Ceri- a celebration that has taken place every year since 1160, without a miss.

June- With tourist season at its peak, Italy starts to get hot and crowded with its sights and attractions completely packed. One can hit the unspoiled beaches of the south to cool their heels off and enjoy the hills of Tuscan and Umbrian countryside.

July- The summer season brings a gamut of cultural events all across the country. Classical music fans should travel to Verona to be a part of its Opera Festival in the gorgeous ancient arena. Multiple cities host different events and festivals that feature international names in music, theatre and dance performances for weeks.

August- Those who can stand the sweltering temperature of Italy can visit the country in the month of August, as the locals flock to beach and mountains to take a refuge from the heat. Businesses close for two weeks of the month and the famous sights and attractions are least crowded. One can get good hotels at lower prices and can book discountedflight tickets.

September- The heat begins to go down in September making it the most pleasant month of the year. Venice holds the awe-inspiring historical Regata Storica festival and Film Festival. Naples hosts its annual blow-out festival for its patron saint with religious ceremonies and parades throughout the city.

October — The month of October becomes a perfect time for sightseeing and touristic activities in the major cities of Rome, Venice and Florence. Many food festivals take place and Truffle Lovers can head to Alba, where the annual Festa Dei Tartufi takes place throughout the October and November.

November- November marks the drop in the temperature that sends the Italians scurrying back inside. If the cold frost bites aren’t a deal-breaker, you can visit the deserted museums and empty cultural sites.

December- The early December is still quiet, but one can see the tourist population swelling up with people travelling to Italy for the celebration of Christmas and New Year holidays. The markets are decorated with lights and a spectacular Christmas Fair dedicated to the city`s patron saint, St. Ambrose takes place.

Now when you know what happens in which month, you can plan accordingly. To book discounted flight tickets for Italy, you can start looking up for the deals in advance. To book cheap flights from London, visit

flights booking at lowest airfares, flights from london, Travel

5 Unknown Facts about Finland That You Didn`t Know

Finland is famous for Northern Lights and also has some of the most celebrated natural wilderness in the world that remains untapped and unchanged. Providing visitors a vast possibility of unique experiences, the beautiful cities and towns of Finland offer large number of historical and cultural attractions, where summer`s endless light balances winter`s eerie frozen magic.

The country has many hidden places that are absolutely breathtaking and some hidden facts that are immensely interesting and you might not know about them, at all. So if you are looking to go on an amazing adventure, you can find cheap flights from London to this wonderful land. Given below are few interesting facts about the country that nobody ever told you before:

1. A land of 40 national parks: Did you just say that you love national parks and closeness with nature? Then Finland can be your best bet because there are 40 national parks scattered throughout the country. From the Archipelago National Park covering thousands of islands to the Pyhä-Luosto on the Lapland fells, Finland can give you plenty of choices when it comes to picking up your favorite one. Why don`t you book a flight from London and explore these verdant national parks.

2. Europe`s most forested country-Finland has the highest percentage of forest cover as compared to any of its counterpart in Europe. Almost 70% of the country is covered in forest and it is home to more than 30 indigenous tree species. The timber industry has been on a rise since the very beginning and even after the flourishing limber business; tree cover is kept intact and sustainable.

3. Forests are indigenous– No tree that is non-native can survive or grow wild in Finland. This has made many scientists and environmentalists quite curious. Pine is the most common tree to be found, with birch and spruce being the other common species.

4. Finland in made of 10% water- And by that we literally mean it that the country is 10% water! Finland is often called ‘the land of 1,000 lakes’. The water bodies here take up so much of space that the road trips here seem to go forever.

5. It has 4th largest lake of Europe- The lake systems in Finland is so vast and huge that it is quite difficult comprehend where one ends and another begins. The country is home to Lake Saimaa, which is Finland`s largest lake while the fourth largest lake in Europe. Lake Saimaa is the second largest in the European Union at 1,700 square miles. Finland has nine more lakes that sprawl across 100 square miles.

We are sure that these facts about Finland have made the country sound more fascinating. So why not satiate your curiosity by visiting the country? To book tickets, you can visit and you can find some of the most amazing deals and discounts on flights from London to Finland and various other destinations.

flights booking at lowest airfares, flights from london, Travel

4 Trips That Will Absolutely Change Your Life Forever

Bored of flipping through travel magazines or scrolling down the stunning Instagram posts? Tired of slogging for 10 hours a day in front of your workstation? Need a break in your life? Well then don`t worry! We have got your covered. This post is for all those who are looking for a drastic change in their lives without having to go on a soulless vacation.

Sometimes to get a clear frame of mind you have to go on a right journey at the right time. It could be a road trip after a break-up, a beach-side vacation after a divorce or a honeymoon or a simple tour-de-force for the mind and soul, an epiphany is sometimes all that we need.

If you have reached that point then here we are with four trips that will not only reignite the desire for life but will also instill a new zeal and passion to feel alive. All you have to do is browse the web for lowestairfares and let the wanderlust commence:

1. PARIS- Yes, you might find the beginning of our list — clichéd, but there is no other place than Paris where you can find art, food, music, fashion, beauty, romance and the best of architecture in a spectacular fashion. Although, we will recommend you to skip the Eiffel Tower and stick to Montmartre, in order to experience authentic Parisian life. Also you will easily find flight tickets at lowest airfare.

2. THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS- The beauty of the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador is such that it will force you to think distinctively about this world. Home to many exotic and vibrant creatures, many of them are found nowhere else in the world, the islands are ruled by one and only- nature. Nature is supreme here and you will realize that you will have to respect that eventually.

3. ATHENS- The history of Athens, gourmet scene and street art are as popular as the Parthenon. While the city is sprinkled with buzzing restaurants and cafes, the galleries are completely phenomenal and the markets always bustling, all you have to do is take a stroll across the city and walk up the Acropolis. Learn about the evolution of human history as democracy itself was born here with the likes of Plato, Socrates and Aristotle preached in the ancient agora. Love Greece? Book flight tickets with lowest airfares for Greece, today!

4. CALIFORNIA STATE ROUTE 1- One of the most exhilarating drives in the entire world, California State Route 1 is one of a kind. Sprawling around 966 km, the route begins from San Diego to San Francisco; some of its parts of this route are instantly recognizable as they were shown in many Hollywood movies. You can expect bunch of surprises ranging from beautiful beaches to leisurely strolls. Get your cheap flights to USA from London booked from

A trip to any of the above mentioned destination will not only recharge your dead batteries but it will also rejuvenate your soul and freshen up your mind with new perspectives. Take out your bags and book flight tickets atlowest airfare. To get some discounts on your flight tickets, visit


4 Hidden Churches Of Istanbul That You Must Visit

Turkey`s historic, cultural and economic capital is also the most populous city of the country which also has a vibrant multi-cultural past. There is plethora of architectural reminiscent standing proudly that belong to Istanbul`s religious and ethnic minorities, which date back to the Ottoman Empire.

Despite the city being more tolerant towards other religions and homogenized, the Jewish, Greek Orthodox and Armenian religious edifices stand as a gentle reminder of a more multicultural past. These structures are definitely worth a visit and if you have booked flights to Istanbul fromHeathrow, take a look at some of the most magnificent churches:

Crimean Memorial Church

Hidden behind the lush green trees standing in front, the Crimean Memorial Church is located at the end of Serdar-I Ekrem Street in Galata. Popularly known as the Christ Church it was constructed in between 1858 to 1868 in the memory of British soldiers who participated in the Crimean War. Belonging to the Church of England, it was closed in 1978 due to lack of congregation but only to reopen in1991.When here do not forget to take a stroll across the beautiful garden for a peaceful time.

Surp Krikor Lusavorich Church

Built in 1360, the Surp Krikor Lusavorich Church is the most significant and oldest site which is associated with the Armenian community. The Church having been subject to two fires was renovated and reopened twice in 1733 and 1799. Adjacent to church is located Getronagan which is an Armenian minority high school. Opened in 1886, the school has been operating till date, teaching mostly in Turkish but with literature courses in Armenian available.

Church of St. Mary of the Mongols

Famed for its rose-colored exterior, the Church of St. Mary was constructed in 1282, commissioned by the Princess Maria Palaiologina who was the illegitimate daughter of Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos. After having lost her husband, the Princess returned to Constantinople and became a nun in here namesake church. The church is one of the only Byzantine churches that was not converted into a mosque.

Aya Yorgi Monastry

Built around 1751, Aya Yorgi Monastry is located at the top most point of Buyukada. Overlooking the stunning views, the church is one of the most visited sights on the island. Thousands of pilgrims from Greece, Russia, Turkey and the Balkans assemble on April 23rd, every year from all faiths to celebrate the age-old fertility ritual. Book your flights to Istanbul from Heathrow to visit this superlative piece of architecture.

Not only street markets and mosques, but Istanbul also has Churches with their beauty intact. Get lost in the colonial history of the city and visit Turkey. Don`t look anywhere else to book cheap flights to Istanbul fromHeathrow, visit our website and get lowest airfare.


4 Must-Visit Edinburgh Attractions to Go Back In Scottish History

Edinburgh is a city that begs to be discovered with every nook and corner filled with quirky elements, you will be tempted to explore the city, a little more, a little further. Being one of the most beautiful cities of Europe, Edinburgh is a town which is intimately entwined with the most surreal landscapes, spectacular buildings and monuments that are perched atop gigantic rocks and towered by the cliffs.

Between its literary legacy, museums, architecture and historic landmarks, Edinburgh is a perfect tourist destination which is worth exploring. You can book cheaptickets from London to Edinburgh and explore the city, which is a magnet for all things culture. Here are the most popular places that are worth visiting:


The National Museum of Scotland is a palace where the mind is fed with thought provoking objects and eyes are treated with breathtaking interiors. The building houses some of the most captivating amazing collections across the country and around the globe. One of the major highlight of the museum is the mammal collection which is constructed from over 50,000 specimens. Other collections include Dolly the sheep and the Fashion and Style Gallery. The entry is free, thus, it is worth paying a visit.


Edinburgh Castle is the ‘Eiffel Tower’ of Edinburgh city. The soul of Scotland`s capital, the castle is a must-visit for every traveler. Erected on a rock that was formed by ages of erosion by glaciers, this might fortress is an impressive sight. Dive into the Scottish history via the Scottish National War Museum, prisons of war, Honours of Scotland, chapel and the soldier`s dog graveyard.


Live in the glory of Edinburgh and Scotland`s rich literary heritage by visiting the infamous ‘The Writer`s Museum’. Located within the incredibly lovely Lady Stair`s House, the place is situated close to the Royal Mile. The museum showcases some of the best literary works, portraits and even personal belongings of Scottish literary heroes such as Robert Burns, Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson.


Dedicated to Saint Giles –a patron saint and a saint of cripples and beggars, St. Giles Cathedral is an oasis of peace and serenity, standing amidst the buzzing Royal Mile. The interiors are immensely decorated with intricate carpentry along with stained-glass windows and carry an impressive architecture of 14th century. Book your tickets from London early to find cheapest flights and lowest airfares.

Travel to Edinburgh this summer and discover the historical side of the capital of Scotland. To find cheapest flights from London, visit our website